Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Surprise Birthday and Reunion Parties

It started in June, Dawn and I were talking about everyone getting together, like we haveen't for some time since families have moved so far away. We were wondering how we could possibly get together once more. Dawn suggested having her Dad's Birthday party in the summer since his birthday falls on Dec. 15th. It is to be his 80th. birthday and quite a milestone for such an energetic person. The only time we could do this was when all of the teachers and pastor and grand and great grands were out of school for the summer, so we called it a dual party.It is so hard to describe how wonderful it was to see what Marcel and me and the Lord has created. The humanity was beautiful and the closeness like I've never seen before. I loved the planning and cooking and help I received from whoever wanted to be in the kitchen, which is the favorite part of my house. Everything was planned by Cheryl, Dawn and me, with sleeping arrangements made between Cheryls and my houses. Because everyone was comming in at different times, we were able to manouver people around for accomodations, and even though uncomfortable probably at times, managed to move through it. There was plenty to eat, drink and plenty of fun and catching up on everyones lives. All of the babies were content due to their wonderful mommies taking care of them and the whole family had their eyes on them. They are the the most polite children you can ever come across, even to the point of Mark kicking his little two year old into the big pool and the baby looking back and saying, "thank you Grandpa" no one could stop laughing at this and commented on it all night.

It was such a success that the family wants to do this again, and we will, we have already found an 8 bedroom house at Norris Lake in Tennessee an are looking into it for a potential reunion. But then again, GranddaughterTracy and hubby found a house with Aunt'Cheryl's help on 2 acres of land with a huge deck and olympic size swimming pool and may hold it there next year, we'll see.

All is quiet now and the house is clean, I can hear a pin drop on the carpeting, and do not like it. As a young child and only one sister, I always expressed a desire to have a large family, and I am surely blessed.


Sean M. said...

My mom and I are going up to look at that house in the morning, and to see if everything looks as good as the pictures. By the way, the pictures look great. We even e-mailed the owner to get more information. I'll have to let you know what we find out.

patb said...

Sounds good to me. I meant to look for tennis courts also.

Marcel said...

I had forgotten about all the kitchen cooperation that was evident at each meal. I can only think of a few males that did not do anything in the kitchen.